Our buy now and pay later option

Our buy now and pay later option.

Ideal for future purchase like holidays and services.

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How it works

Payment Plan doesn’t offer to fund a purchase like many other sites (Klarna, etc), instead we charge a small transaction fee for each successful payment taken using the platform.

Payment Plan offers the consumer a slick setup journey and an excellent interface for keeping track of their plan and payments made.

Dashboard Consumer
Consumer Overpayments
Consumer Payment Holidays

Check balances

Payment History

Payment Holidays



As with all our Payment Plans you can offer consumers enhanced benefits such as pre-approved Payment Holidays and payment extensions.

Customer sign up

Join today

In just a few steps you will have the ability to offer your clients bespoke payment plans at a click of a button. Sign up to an account with Paymentplan.co.uk today for free.

Tailored solutions

Gain instant access to multiple solutions relating to payment plans, including PaymentPlan RECOVERY that has been proven to recover over 45% in overdue balances that companies had previously struggled to obtain.

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